
发布者:SISU 来源:上外留学办公室 发布时间:2021-11-05 浏览次数:106


为深入学习贯彻习近平总书记给北京大学留学生们的重要回信精神,进一步深化留学生党史学习教育,积极引导留学生“读懂今天的中国,读懂中国共产党”, 11月3日,由上海市教委资助、上海外国语大学承办的一带一路教育项目(中俄/中阿翻译)特别邀请了中共上海市委党校中共党史研究部的王瑶副教授,为来自俄语、阿语国家的学员们做了题为“中国共产党的百年辉煌历程”的专题讲座,收获了留学生们的一致好评。


对外国留学生讲好讲透党的价值理念需要用外国人听得懂的语言与方式,比如讲到“人民至上”,王瑶老师解释说“我们共产党人好比种子,人民好比土地。我们到了一个地方,就要同那里的人民结合起来,在人民中间生根、开花。”通过生动形象的比喻,使得 “人民至上”这一党的核心价值理论给学员们留下了深刻的印象。来自吉尔吉斯斯坦的薇丽雅同学很受启发:“我认为这样的领导人(以民为本)一定有足够的能力发展美丽、优秀的国家。如果老百姓有穿的、吃的、住的,一定可以说很幸福。” 讲座结束之后,学员们也与王瑶老师进行了交流互动,并将自己看到的、理解的当今中国进行分享。


In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important reply letter from General Secretary Xi Jinping to the international students of Peking University, to further deepen the education on the history of the CPC for international students and actively guide them “to understand today’s China, and the Communist Party of China”, on November 3, the Belt and Road Education Program (Chinese-Russian/Chinese-Arabic Translation) sponsored by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and organized by Shanghai International Studies University, invited Associate Professor Wang Yao from the CPC History Research Department of the Shanghai Party Institute of CPC, to give a special lecture entitled The Centennial Glorious History of the Communist Party of China to international students from Russian and Arabic speaking countries, and won unanimous praise from the international students.

Many foreign friends also often ask what China has relied on to develop to its current state, and what role and importance the Chinese Communist Party has played in the process.” At the beginning of the lecture, through the communication with the international students, Ms. Wang Yao started from sharing topics that interest the foreigners, and talked about some of the problems and difficulties encountered by China during the modern times, as well as introducing the important stages that the CPC has gone through in its development and the historical experience of its century-long struggle. Through videos and historical stories, a three-dimensional and objective history of the CPC was presented to all international students.